Friday, 28 May 2010

Crayon Rolls

These have proved really popular on my stall at craft fairs in the past so I thought I’d make a few to go in my shop.  They are brilliant for carrying around in your handbag and whipping out when the children need to be distracted and kept quiet (anyone else have children who can’t sit still for 30 seconds without moaning they are bored?!)

I generally only make them big enough for 8 crayons – what kid needs more that 8 crayons when you’re out and about?  This means they are small and light – mums have enough to carry without adding a whole art set!

This is a lovely girly one, made with a pink & blue floral cotton fabric for the outside, and a pink & white polka dot crayon pocket.  It has a bright pink ribbon tie to keep it rolled up.




I’ll be making some more over the weekend, both girly and boyish.

Jen xxxx


Unknown said...

so cute! xx