Wednesday, 28 March 2012

I’m Back!

Ok so I disappeared almost a year and a half ago (where did that time go?!) but I’m back now, sewing machine dusted off and everything!

Back in October 2010 I posted a scan photo of baby number 3.  On 9th April 2011 Noah Lorin Winkley finally made his appearance, weighing 8lb 10oz.

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I can’t believe it is his 1st birthday so soon, he is a very cute but active baby – crawling just before he was 5 months old, then climbing, and is now trying to walk :) That teeny little peaceful Noah is turning into a very funny little boy:


Dylan and Daisy are doing brilliantly, very helpful most of the time!  Between the three of them and the various school runs and baby groups I rarely get a moment to myself but I’ve decided that needs to change and I need to start making things again!

Over the past couple of days I’ve sorted out my Facebook page, changed things around on the blog and actually made some make up bags (it’s a miracle!).  I have so many ideas, now just need to put them into action!

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My Folksy shop is closed at the moment but I hope to reopen it very soon.  For now, if you would like to buy anything you see on my Facebook page please just leave a comment under the photo and I will be in touch!

Jen x