Friday, 30 March 2012

My top 5…

Sewing resources for beginners!

Almost 3yrs ago I had the idea that I wanted to be able to sew. I’d recently taught myself to crochet, then knit, all via Youtube videos.  Naturally when I decided to learn to sew the internet was the first place I looked for advice!  I bought a cheap Brother sewing machine, some fabric to practice with and googled 'how to use a sewing machine’!  Apart from the occasional go at school I was completely clueless.  I read through the manual several times but it was no good, I am a visual learner when it comes to crafts.

As I clicked on various links I started trying things out on some practice fabric and over the next few days I progressed to following tutorials.  It really is best to jump straight in and learn as you go – don’t just assume something will be too difficult!  On my online travels I have come across so many useful pages – some have since gone but I’ve decided to share the following 5 pages.  Even now that I have some sewing experience I still look up how to do things when I’m stuck and these pages still help me now!


The ultimate tutorial collection!  There is a search facility so if you know what you want to make you can search for a tutorial to guide you through it, or you can just browse through the huge list of posts.  There is a great mixture of technical how-tos and whole projects.  Each post links to the blog that the tutorial can be found on, and I take no responsibility for the hours you are bound to spend reading the websites you come across!  The blog is updated daily so there is always something new to inspire you.

2. Which? Beginners Guide to Using a Sewing Machine

Brilliant list of essential sewing kit, how to choose the right needle and thread, guide to choosing and buying patterns, and very importantly – tips on how to sew a straight line!  All explained very clearly and simply.

3. Craftster – ‘Sewing in General’ Forum

The perfect place to ask advice!

4. – Basics & Tutorials

Lots of different articles about basic sewing skills – different types of seam, how to gather fabric, how to attach bias tape, making your own patterns etc.  Lots of other projects on this site too.

5. Burda Style – Projects & Tips for Beginners

I love this website! The page I have linked to has lots of information, especially if sewing your own clothes is something you are interested in.  The ‘learning’ tab at the top of the page links to loads of great tutorials, use the ‘projects’ tab as inspiration and to see what other people are making, and the ‘patterns’ tab will bring up thousands of sewing patterns.  There is the option to search for free patterns which is always nice!

As well as those specific sites, Google and YouTube are always on hand if you need more guidance.

Jen xx

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

I’m Back!

Ok so I disappeared almost a year and a half ago (where did that time go?!) but I’m back now, sewing machine dusted off and everything!

Back in October 2010 I posted a scan photo of baby number 3.  On 9th April 2011 Noah Lorin Winkley finally made his appearance, weighing 8lb 10oz.

Noah 1 025

I can’t believe it is his 1st birthday so soon, he is a very cute but active baby – crawling just before he was 5 months old, then climbing, and is now trying to walk :) That teeny little peaceful Noah is turning into a very funny little boy:


Dylan and Daisy are doing brilliantly, very helpful most of the time!  Between the three of them and the various school runs and baby groups I rarely get a moment to myself but I’ve decided that needs to change and I need to start making things again!

Over the past couple of days I’ve sorted out my Facebook page, changed things around on the blog and actually made some make up bags (it’s a miracle!).  I have so many ideas, now just need to put them into action!

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My Folksy shop is closed at the moment but I hope to reopen it very soon.  For now, if you would like to buy anything you see on my Facebook page please just leave a comment under the photo and I will be in touch!

Jen x