Thursday, 24 June 2010

Folksy Friday: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star…

I missed last week as it was my birthday on Sunday so took the weekend off :)

I’ve only managed to list one thing this week, this patchwork cushion, which is pretty awesome even if I do say so myself!


This week’s theme is Twinkle, twinkle, little star – thanks to the lovely Haptree for the suggestion!

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Some gorgeous starry things to be found on Folksy!  Just click on the pictures to go to the item listing :)

Will do a proper update sometime this weekend, I promise!

Jen xxxx

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Folksy Friday: Afternoon Tea Anyone?

It’s been a while since I blogged but I’ve been rushed off my feet trying to get a decent amount of stock in my shop!  I’ve been keeping up with the June Loons and listing one thing (at least) every day and the sales fairy seems to like it!  So far I’ve made 17 sales since 1st June woooo!

I fully intended to do a Folksy Friday post last week but ran out of time.  Seeing as this week has been so rainy and dull I thought a spot of afternoon tea might brighten things up?  After trawling through hundreds of items I’ve narrowed it down to just 8 of my favourites - just click on the pictures for more info :)

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I’m still working hard making new stock and sending out orders.  I’ve got so many ideas for things I want to make for my shop but not enough hours in the day to tackle them all at once!  Watch this space :)

Going to add my favourite out of my listings this week:

image Stack of 3 Patchwork Cushions

Completely unique – no two will ever be the same!  Click on the picture for more information.

Would just quickly like to thank Karen at Creative & Faithful for including my red & white polka dot crayon roll as part of her Craft Juice Tuesday feature this week.  And also to Natalie from NOfkants Curios for featuring one of my pencil roll and drawings bag sets :)

Jen xxxx

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

June Loon? Yes I think so!

Today marks the first day of a month of daily listings at the Jentwinkle shop!

Each day I’ll post on here about what I’ve listed and feature 2 of my favourites from the other June Loon challengers.

Here’s my offering for today, a gorgeous turquoise floral make up bag complete with white ribbon flower embellishment (available to buy now in my shop):


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And 2 of my favourites from the other challengers (so hard to choose!), click on the pictures to go to the item on Folksy:



How cute is this Fox Terrier collectable doggy from Northfield Primitives?!

He has real character!





And these ‘Maybe Baby’ earrings from Whimsical Wren Jewellery are just beautiful – really love the little added bow detail.





So day one is almost over, I sold a bag today and got a blog mention by Emma over at Urban Sophistication Designs (thank you Emma!) – very happy Jentwinkle here!

Jen xxxx

Caterpillars & Grazes

Sunday was a lazy day in the Jentwinkle household.  We played, listened to the radio and did some colouring before going to the park in the afternoon.

The park we went to was like a little sun trap, it was so hot there, but chilly everywhere else.  Dylan & Daisy were fascinated by a wriggly green caterpillar they found, only Dylan was brave enough to hold it though!


Daddy also did a bit of skating…


And Dylan had a go on the ramp with his trusty scooter…


On Monday we went to the inlaws for a lovely family barbeque – unfortunately it was cloudy and grey all day, but we still had fun.

Daisy loved toasting marshmallows and dunking them in melted chocolate:

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Poor little Dylan had a bit of a scooter crash and grazed quite a bit of his face.  He was so brave and it looked a lot better after cleaning up the copious amounts of blood.  Granny was on hand with some antiseptic cream.  Seeing as she has 4 boys it’s no surprise she has a huge first aid box containing everything you’d ever need for any kind of minor injury!  Apparently he was attempting a new trick… I blame  Daddy for showing him clips of the Micro Scooter World Championships on Youtube  in the morning!


Apart from that it was a fairly uneventful weekend, quite a few things have been appearing thanks to the sewing machine and I have bugged a huge amount of people with my blog & shop links ;)  I made a start on Daisy’s dress for my brother in law’s wedding so will post some pics as soon as it’s finished.

As from tomorrow (today?!) I’ll be taking part in the June Loons challenge along with lots of other lovely Folksy sellers.  The aim is to list an item in your Folksy shop each day and share what the other ‘challengers’ have listed on blogs/Facebook/Twitter etc in order to help each other with some free promotion and hopefully bring in some sales for all of us.  I’m really excited about taking part as it’s my first time doing anything like this!

Check back tomorrow for a peek at what the June Loons are up to…

Jen xxxx