Monday, 7 December 2009

I’m back…

My poor blog has been so neglected recently as I was getting my stock ready for my first craft fair yesterday.Image0192

My sewing area (dining table!) has been overflowing with everything I’ve made over the past few weeks as I’ve checked to make sure linings are sewn up, eyes sewn on and everything is perfect.


I would like to say hello to anyone arriving here after picking up one of my business cards – hello!  I also want to say thank you to Pagette for the lovely email I woke up to this morning :)  I’m so glad my little owl has a good home, I was very attached to him and almost didn’t take him to sell!



For anyone who wants to come and see me again I will be selling at the East Grinstead Victorian themed Christmas shopping day on 20th December, outside the lovely Threadneedles.  If you didn’t pop by yesterday here is what you missed:

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I managed to sell quite a lot, and had several enquiries about custom orders (I will do a separate post on this).  I had a lot of fun and it was a lovely feeling knowing people were actually willing to part with their money because they liked something I made.

It was also Dylan’s 4th birthday on Friday – where does the time go?!Image0205 August 011Image0218

So his facial expressions haven’t changed!  He was Joseph in the Pre-school nativity today but was not impressed about me tying a piece of gingham to his head with piping cord this morning!Image0154



And just because she’s cute, a picture of Daisy modelling a flower hairclip.